Monday, February 15, 2010

Eat Your Heart Out Mary Lou!

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to have a gymnast inside your belly? Probably not, but l’m here to let you know it’s quite fascinating and totally life changing!

I know it’s been a while since my last post, but every time I go to type I get distracted by this little swirling-twirling, kicking, stretching, jumping baby girl. Ok, maybe that is just an excuse and I’ve been lazy, but nonetheless…

It is amazing how much stronger baby girl is getting and although the gigantic snow storm last week was not fun for most, it was a time I will not forget. My husband was away in St. Louis for work, so I was literally snowed in due to the large ice mountain in the front of my garage… anyway, I had laid down to take a nap and I felt this bump… bump, bump on the side of my belly. I had felt movements before, but ever so lightly – kind of like a butterfly fluttering around inside. However, this feeling was much different and much more noticeable.

The books said I would feel the baby stronger with each passing week and boy were they right. As I lay there on the couch I wondered if I put my hand on my side if I could actually “feel” it!? So, I did and waited for the next bump.

Bump - I felt it! Whoa, one of the coolest feelings in the world! A tiny little foot hitting the side of my belly – it was SO real and so cool I could have laid there all day, but eventually I think she fell asleep.

I couldn’t wait for hubs to get home so he could share my experience!

Sure enough, that Friday evening I was lying down once again and felt her, bump, bump. I reached for my hubs hand and placed it on my side – he closed his eyes and we waited…

Bump – he felt it! His eyes opened wide and he smiled so big, it was the coolest! He couldn’t believe it, but I think it became very real for him at that moment that this baby girl was really in there.

It made me think – what is baby girl doing in there? Is she trying out her newly strengthened muscles? Is she shakin’ her booty to the music? Or, has she begun her gymnastic career already!?

Whatever she was, or is doing in there I think it’s her way of telling us, “hey guys, I’m in here and it won’t be long until I’m out and I want you to know-so get ready!”

One more thing before I sign off. You know although I continue to gain ‘love’ in all the wrong places, it doesn’t seem to matter as much right now and for once in my life it feels pretty damn good not to think about getting fat every second of every day. Thank you baby girl for giving me strength!

Wow, who would have thought I would get my strength and courage from a 1-lb. baby.

And it truly is… all for the love of the baby bump!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Half-Way Point!

Hey guys – I can’t believe I’m at the half-way point already! I had my 20 week ultrasound and we found out what the baby is! It’s a………………………..girl!

The ultrasound was SO cool! It was amazing what you could see – the toes, ribs, spine, heart beating, even her yawn! Sean (hubs) and Brittney (my sis) were there with me. Thank goodness my sis was there – she is going to make a great ultrasound tech. She was pointing everything out to us and explaining what the real tech was taking pictures of – she was grrrreat!

The ultrasound tech we had was a real lame-o! No energy and just plain boring. You could tell she was totally uninterested and going as quickly as possible.

I’ll tell ya what… after seeing that, it makes having a babe pretty real. Sometimes I have moments in the day when I’m just going about my day and all of a sudden I realize, shit, I’m having a baby! Sorry for the language, but it’s really what I’m thinking! It’s like a moment of panic, but then I think about seeing her face for the first time and I almost start crying - geez, these emotions are crazy!

Right before I had the ultrasound done, I had my routine appointment… yes, the dreaded scale made its normal appearance. Uh, after stepping on it (shoes off!) the nurse chuckled and said, “wow” I’ve had two people at that exact same weight today!” Is it bad that I wanted to punch her face off?

It was a little traumatic to see that I had a weight spike. This is technical term the dr’s call it – they believe it makes you feel better). I like to think of it as a love spike.

The thing that really blew my mind was that after I saw the ultrasound, the love spike totally disappeared from my head… as if it had never happened. Can you believe this? Who would have thought seeing my baby could cure my feelings of PSTD (post traumatic stress disorder – ha!). It’s true – the baby cast a spell on my heart and I felt instantly better.

I can only think to myself that this must be one blessing of having a child… it’s not all about you anymore. I’m sure at times this will not feel like a blessing, but for me – it’s a good thang!

True love is awesome!