Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tear down walls...

One of my all time favorite English professors once told me, use your senses and write from your heart. From then on, my whole outlook on writing changed and so did I. My writing is how I blog and my first journey through pregnancy is why I blog.

I'm really not one for new year's resolutions, but this year is different. Even though I don't consider myself a mother yet, I feel the need to improve myself. So, my resolution this year is to tear down walls.

If you know me, I'm normally a private person. I don't feel comfortable sharing information about myself, but I'm learning the more I share, the more I grow. The more I expose. The more others see.

I'm not saying I want to share everything :) but what I am saying is that the more things I want to improve about myself - those things are what I need to share and write about. For some reason writing it all down and sharing it with others helps me heal and calms a part of me.

Often times I think some of us feel the need to put on a front for others and pretend to be someone we are not. I am guilty of this at times, but the less I do of it, the better I feel. I want to do less of this in the coming year, and my goal is to be more real and to accept me for me.

This blog is my harbor, my words are what sails this ship, and wherever it may take me and those who follow, I hope we have an inspirational journey!


  1. WOW, I am SO impressed! First of all, thank you for sharing a part of you you hadn't shared before, we are honored, and I mean that. Honestly and openess(sp?) is something I respect in anyone. I think you will make a great mother.
    Love, MM

  2. this is really exciting kel. best of luck, can't wait to see what the year has in store for you :-)

  3. whoops, that post by David was me. didn't realize he was logged in!
