Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blame It On The Rain!

I’ve been debating whether or not to post on this subject, however, after much consideration I figured what good is this blog if I can’t be honest. So here goes…

I know what perfect is to me, but I’m also realizing there are many other definitions out there. So, why does my definition have to seem so… well, perfect and where did it come from!?

I always felt I had to be perfect at everything. Perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect grades in school, perfect words, etc. I know I’m no where near perfection, but why am I still struggling so hard with this feeling? I thought the older you got, the wiser you got. Apparently there are some issues that linger, like the smell of fish in the fridge you threw out weeks ago – yum!

Ok, maybe not so yum, but how does one get this feeling? Can we blame it on our parents – probably not? Can we blame it on the rain, like Milli-Vanilli? Can we blame it on the media? Who knows… All I do know is that trying to be perfect is painstakingly difficult and wears on the heart and mind.

A very smart therapist once gave me two very good pieces of advice that unfortunately I have not been practicing lately, but that I will never forget –

1) Accomplish a minimum of two things each day and worry about the rest some other day.
2) The 3 ft. rule: don’t stress about the little things that go unnoticed by others even though you know they exist. (example: if your nail polish is chipping, screw it, no one else is going to notice!)

I’m scared to death that I will pass this definition of perfect onto my daughter. I never want her to feel this way, but I’m not sure how to do it.

This is a constant struggle for me each day and I’m trying my best to learn that I don’t have to be perfect. So, I’m asking you all – what do you do? What is your definition of perfect? Do any of you feel this way?

Do you color outside the lines? Do you skip a workout and eat a brownie? Do you call off sick for a mental health day? I want to know!

1 comment:

  1. I'm working on fixing things about myself, I have to say its hard but very worth it so I see where you're coming from. I started by analyzing the true root of why I'm the way I am with certain things. For instance, work. I hate my job as you know but WHY exactly do I hate it? I listed out the true, honest reasons and I feel better for being honest with myself.

    As for your question of perfection, I guess that's what I'm going for with myself, but how? Eliminate the things that don't really matter, attack what you CAN change and just always be honest with yourself.
